7 - 10 May 2024| ESA-ESRIN 

Presentations Guidelines

The workshop is organised around oral and poster presentations selected by the ESA’s Organisation Committee. It will be an hybrid meeting at ESA-ESRIN. Virtual participation is possible under request and only in listening mode, with possibility to interact only for the Oral Authors that will present remotely.

Oral Presentation

Please prepare your presentations in MS PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat format (PDF), using the dedicated template. Only these formats will be accepted.

NB: The presentations given during the three days will be published in pdf format on the website following the event - unless unauthorised by the author.

In order to ensure an efficient organization for oral presentations, below is an explanation of the slots times available for each speech:

- 20 min = 15 +5 Q&A

- 30 min = 25 + 5 Q&A

- 45 min = 40 + 5 Q&A

Please refer to the tab 'Agenda' in the menu, to see the exact time of your speech.

Poster Presentation

Presenters at the poster sessions shall bring their own printed posters. It will not be possible to print a poster on site. 

The maximum poster size is AO (ca. Height: 170cm, Width: 80cm ), Portrait orientation. Authors are strongly encouraged to produce a “proper” full-size poster rather than using multiple smaller (e.g. A4) sheets. 

Poster numbers assigned to each poster will be noted on the panels.